
The method behaviour can be modified through a configuration file.


Using the command line interface overwrites some setting in the configuration file. Check how the command line interface changes the configuration in the command line interface section.

Check the oncodrivefml_v2.conf.template that is included in the package to find an example of the configuration file.

This section will explain each of the parameters in the configuration file:


# Build of the reference genome
build = 'hg19'

The genome section makes reference to the reference genome used by OncodriveFML.

The reference genome has been obtained from

Currently, only HG19 and HG38 are fully supported. Use build = 'hg19' or build = 'hg38' to use any of them.

There is a partial support for other genomes. The support is only partial because the values for the position and alterations of the stops in the these genomes have not been computed yet. If you want to run OncodriveFML with any of these genomes, make sure you do not use the stop method for the indels (ref).


If you decide to use a reference genome other than HG19, make sure that the scores file you use is compatible with it. And you update all related parameters.


# Choose the method to calculate the trinuclotide singature:
method = 'complement'

# Choose the classifier (categorical value for the signature):
classifier = 'SAMPLE'

# None: do not correct (comment the option)
# normalize_by_sites = ''

The signature represents the probability of a certain nucleotide to mutate taking into account its context [1].

The signature can be configured using the following parameters:


Method used to compute the signature. Options are:

  • method = 'none': all changes have equal probability. This approach is recommended for small datasets.
  • method = 'complement': use a 96 matrix with the signatures complemented.
  • method = 'full': use a 192 matrix with all the possible signatures.
  • method = 'bysample': equivalent to method = 'complement' and classifier = 'SAMPLE'
  • method = 'file': use a precomputed signature. This option requires to add the path to the file as path = '/path/to/file'. Note that this option can be overwritten by the –signature option in the command line interface.

The signature by default is computed using the whole dataset. However, you can group the mutations in categories that correspond to any of the values in SAMPLE, CANCER_TYPE and SIGNATURE columns (if provided).

If a file with the signature is provided, and that signature has also been computed using groups, the same classifier must be specified.


Compute a normalization of the signature. This option appears commented because it is overridden by the –sequencing option of the command line interface.

If you provide an external file with the signature, it will never be corrected, regardless of the value of this option.

The recommended approach is to compute your own signature (e.g. using the bgsignature package) and pass it to OncodriveFML.


The score section is used to know which scores are going to be used.

# Path to score file
file = "/path/to/scores/file"

# Format of the file
format = 'tabix'

# Column that has the chromosome
chr = 0
# If the chromosome has a prefix like 'chr'. Example: chrX chr1 ...
chr_prefix = ''
# Column that has the position
pos = 1
# Column that has the reference allele
ref = 2
# Column that has the alternative allele
alt = 3
# Column that has the score value
score = 5

The scores should be a file that for a given position, in a given chromosome, gives a value to every possible alteration.

Some of the parameters in this section are optional, while others are mandatory.

It is a string and represents the path to the scores file.

Indicates the format of the file. Options are:

  • format = 'tabix' indicates that the file is a tab separated file compressed with bgzip. This means that a .tbi index file should be present in the same location.
  • format = 'pack' is a binary format we have implemented to reduce the file size. It is only available for specific scores.

Thus, if you want to use your own file, use the tabix format.

Column in the file where the chromosome is indicated.
When querying the tabix file for a specif chromosome OncodriveFML only uses the number of the chromosome or ‘X’ or ‘Y’. If the tabix file requires a prefix before the chromosome, use this option. For instance, if the chromosomes in the tabix file are labeled as chr1, chr2, .., chrY, set this option to: chr_prefix = 'chr'. If this is not the case, use an empty string: chr_prefix = ''.
Column that indicates the position of the scored alteration in the chromosome.
Column that contains the reference allele. It is optional.
Column that contains the alternate allele. It is optional. If is not specified, it is assumed that the 3 possible changes have the same score.
Column that contains the score.
Column that contains the element identifier. It is optional. If it is provided and the value does not match with the one from the regions, these scores are discarded.


The statistic section is related to the configuration of the analysis

# Mathematical method to use to compare observed and simulated values
method = 'amean'

# Do not use/use MNP mutations in the analysis
discard_mnp = False

# Compute the observed values using only 1 mutation per sample
# per_sample_analysis = 'max'

# Minimum sampling
sampling = 100000
# Maximum sampling
sampling_max = 1000000
# Sampling chunk (in millions)
sampling_chunk = 100
# Minimum number of observed (if not reached, keeps computing)
sampling_min_obs = 10

    # Include/exclude indels from your analysis
    # include = True
    # Method used to simulate indels
    method = 'max'
    # Number of consecutive times the indel appears to consider it falls in a repetitive region
    max_consecutive = 7

There a different parameters you can configure:


Represents the type of operation that is applied to observed and simulated scores before comparing them. Options are:

  • method = 'amean': arithmetic mean
  • method = 'gmean': geometric mean

Indicates whether to include or not MNP mutations in the analysis.

  • discard_mnp = False: include them
  • discard_mnp = True: discard them

In some cases, you might be interested in performing the analysis per sample. This means that all the mutations that come from the same sample are reduced to a single score. This score can be computed as:

  • per_sample_analysis = 'max': maximum score
  • per_sample_analysis = 'amean': arithmetic mean
  • per_sample_analysis = 'gmean': geometric mean

Comment this option if you are not interested in this type of analysis.

OncodriveFML includes a few more parameters that are related to how many simulations are performed.

Represents the minimum number of simulations to be performed.
Represents the maximum number of simulations to be performed.

Represents the maximum size (in millions) that a single process can handle. This value is used to keep the memory usage within certain limits.


With a value of 100, each process takes less than 4 GB of RAM. We have not considered the memory taken by the main process.

Represents the minimum number of observations [2]. When it is reached, no more simulations are performed.


The indels subsection of statistic contains the configuration for the analysis of indels.

    # Include/exclude indels from your analysis
    # include = True
    # Method used to simulate indels
    method = 'max'
    # Number of consecutive times the indel appears to consider it falls in a repetitive region
    max_consecutive = 7

OncodriveFML accepts various parameters related to the indels:


Indicates whether to include indels in the analysis or not.

  • include = True: include indels in the analysis
  • include = False: exclude indels from the analysis

This option is overridden by the –no-indels flag of the command line interface.


Indicates how to simulate the indels.

  • method = 'max': simulates the indels as a set of substitutions. Indels that are simulated as substitutions [3] follow the same signature patter as the mutatinal signature.
  • method = 'stop': simulates indels as stops. See more infomation of this option below.

Check the analysis of indels section to find more details.

OncodriveFML discards indels that fall in repetitive regions. OncodriveFML considers that an indel is in a repetitive region when the same sequence of the indel appears consecutively in a genomic element a certain number of times (or even more). The maximum number of consecutve repetitions can be set with the max_consecutive option. OncodriveFML will not discard any indel due to repetitive regions if you set max_consecutive = 0.

Configuring indels as stops

As explained in the analysis section OncodriveFML can be configured to simulate indels as stops.

This option should be used with care as it gives a lot of weight to the indels.

To enable this option, a number of parameters needs to be modified or added to the configuration file.

The indels section of the configuration file, you need to change the method to method = 'stop' and add the following parameters:


Indicates which mutations influence the probabilities for frameshift indels and substitutions.

  • gene_exomic_frameshift_ratio = False: the probabilities are taken from the mapped mutations discarding those whose length is multiple of 3.
  • gene_exomic_frameshift_ratio = True: probabilities are taken from the observed mutations rate in each region.

The observed score of an indel that is computed with the method = 'stop' option is related to the score of the stops in its gene. You can decide how this relation is by choosing a function that is applied to all stops scores in the gene.

  • stops_function = 'mean': associates the indel to a value that is equal to the mean of all stop scores in the gene
  • stops_function = 'median': associates the indel to a value that is equal to the median of all stop scores in the gene
  • stops_function = 'random': associates the indel to a value that is a random value between the maximum and the minimum of all stop scores in the gene
  • stops_function = 'random_choice': associates the indel to a value that is a random value between all the possible stop scores in the gene

In addition, the score sections of the configuration file needs to contain two new parameters:


When analysing a certain gene, OncodriveFML might need to score an indel according to the value of the stops in the gene. It might happen that the number of stops is 0 or is below a certain threshold. In such cases, OncodriveFML uses the function specified in mean_to_stop_function parameter to assign a score from the mean value of all the stops in the gene.

Download the IPython notebook that has been created with the functions computed for CADD1.0 and CADD1.3, or see it.

When analysing a certain gene, OncodriveFML gets all the scores associated with the mutations that produce a stop in that gene. minimum_number_of_stops indicates the minimum number of stops that a gene is required to have in order to avoid using the function above.


These parameters must also be adjusted for each scores file.


To configure the system where the analysis is performed OncodriveFML includes the setting section:

# Number of cores to use in the analysis
# cores = 6

Use the cores option to indicate how many cores to use. You can comment this option in order to use all the available cores.

The command line --cores option can override this value.


OncodriveFML works on shared memory systems using the multiprocessing module.

[1]Previous and posterior nucleotides
[2]An observation is counted when a simulated value, after applying the function in method to the simulated scores, is higher than the result of applying the same function to the observed scores.
[3]All indels are simulated as substitutions when method = 'max'. Indels that are in-frame are also simulated as substitutions when method = 'stop'.