
File formats


All the files can be compressed using GZIP (extension “.gz”), BZIP2 (extension “.bz2”) or LZMA (extension “.xz”)

Input file format

The variants file is a text file with, at least, 5 columns separated by a tab character (the header is required, but the order of the columns can change):

  • Column CHROMOSOME: Chromosome. A number between 1 and 22 or the letter X or Y (upper case)
  • Column POSITION: Mutation position. A positive integer.
  • Column REF: Reference allele. A single letter: A, C, G or T (upper case)
  • Column ALT: Alternate allele. A single letter: A, C, G or T (upper case)
  • Column SAMPLE: Sample identifier. Any alphanumeric string.
  • Column CANCER_TYPE: Cancer type. Any alphanumeric string. Optional.
  • Column SIGNATURE: User defined signature categories. Any alphanumeric string. Optional.

Regions file format

The regions file is a text file with, at least, 4 columns separated by a tab character (the column order must be preserved):

  • Column 1 [CHROMOSOME]: Chromosome. A number between 1 and 22 or the letter X or Y (upper case)
  • Column 2 [START]: Start position. A positive integer.
  • Column 3 [STOP]: End position. A positive integer.
  • Column 4 [STRAND]: Strand: + for positive, - for negative, . for unknown.
  • Column 5 [ELEMENT]: Element identifier.
  • Column 6 [SEGMENT]: Segment identifier. Optional column.
  • Column 7 [SYMBOL]: Symbol, a different identifier for the element that will also be printed in the output file. Optional column.

Output file format

OncodriveFML generates a tabulated file with the results with the extension “.tsv”.

Check the output section to find a detailed description regarding the output.