Source code for oncodrivefml.scores

This module contains the methods associated with the
scores that are assigned to the mutations.

The scores are read from a file.

Information about the stop scores.

As of December 2016, we have only measured
the stops using CADD1.0.

The stops of a gene retrieved only if there are
ast least 3 stops in the regions being analysed.
If not, a formula is applied to derived the
value of the stops from the rest of the

.. note::

    This formula was obtained using the CADD scores
    of the coding regions. Using a different regions
    or scores files will make the function to return
    totally nonsense values.


import os
import mmap
import gzip
import json
import tabix
import struct
import bgdata
import logging
import numpy as np
from typing import List
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple

from oncodrivefml import __logger_name__
from oncodrivefml.signature import get_ref_triplet, get_build

logger = logging.getLogger(__logger_name__)

ScoreValue = namedtuple('ScoreValue', ['ref', 'alt', 'value', 'ref_triplet', 'alt_triplet'])
Tuple that contains the reference, the alteration, the score value and the triplets

    ref (str): reference base
    alt (str): altered base
    value (float): score value of that substitution
    ref_triplet (str): reference triplet
    alt_triplet (str): altered triplet

[docs]def null(x): return x
stop_function = null min_stops = 1 stops_file = None scores_reader = None
[docs]class ReaderError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.message = msg
[docs]class ReaderGetError(ReaderError): def __init__(self, chr, start, stop): self.message = 'Error reading chr: {} start: {} stop: {}'.format(chr, start, stop)
[docs]class PackScoresReader: STRUCT_SIZE = 6 SCORE_ALT = {'T': 'ACG', 'A': 'CGT', 'C': 'AGT', 'G': 'ACT'} BIT_TO_REF = { (0, 0, 0): '?', (0, 0, 1): 'T', (0, 1, 0): 'A', (0, 1, 1): 'C', (1, 0, 0): 'G' } SCORE_ORDER = { 'T': {'A': 0, 'C': 1, 'G': 2}, 'A': {'C': 0, 'G': 1, 'T': 2}, 'C': {'A': 0, 'G': 1, 'T': 2}, 'G': {'A': 0, 'C': 1, 'T': 2} } def __init__(self, conf): self.file_path = os.path.join(conf['file'], 'whole_genome_SNVs.fml') with'{}.idx'.format(self.file_path), 'rt') as fd: index = json.load(fd) self.scores = index['scores'] self.metadata = index['metadata'] self.fd = None
[docs] def unpack(self, block): values = struct.unpack('3H', block) bits = tuple([v % 2 for v in values]) values = [v // 2 for v in values] ref = PackScoresReader.BIT_TO_REF[bits] return ref, values
def __enter__(self): self.fd = open(self.file_path, 'rb') = mmap.mmap(self.fd.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.fd.close()
[docs] def get(self, chromosome, start, stop, *args, **kwargs): if chromosome not in self.metadata['positions']: raise ReaderError("Chromosome '{}' not found".format(chromosome)) c_ini, c_end, c_start, c_stop = self.metadata['positions'][chromosome] q_ini = c_ini + (start - c_start) q_end = q_ini + (stop - start) # Check boundaries q_ini = c_ini if q_ini < c_ini else q_ini q_end = c_end if q_end > c_end else q_end if q_end < q_ini: raise ReaderError("Position out of boundaries. Chr:{} start:{} stop:{}".format(chromosome, start, stop)) b_now = q_ini p_now = start*PackScoresReader.STRUCT_SIZE) while b_now <= q_end: ref, values = self.unpack( if ref != '?': yield self.scores[values[0]], ref, PackScoresReader.SCORE_ALT[ref][0], p_now yield self.scores[values[1]], ref, PackScoresReader.SCORE_ALT[ref][1], p_now yield self.scores[values[2]], ref, PackScoresReader.SCORE_ALT[ref][2], p_now p_now += 1 b_now += 1
[docs]class ScoresTabixReader: def __init__(self, conf): self.file = conf['file'] self.conf_chr_prefix = conf['chr_prefix'] self.ref_pos = conf['ref'] self.alt_pos = conf['alt'] self.pos_pos = conf['pos'] self.score_pos = conf['score'] self.element_pos = conf['element'] def __enter__(self): self.tb = self.index_errors = 0 self.elements_errors = 0 return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.index_errors > 0 or self.elements_errors > 0: raise ReaderError('{} index errors and {} discrepancies between the expected and retreived element'.format(self.index_errors, self.elements_errors)) return True def _read_row(self, row): score = float(row[self.score_pos]) ref = None if self.ref_pos is None else row[self.ref_pos] alt = None if self.alt_pos is None else row[self.alt_pos] pos = None if self.pos_pos is None else int(row[self.pos_pos]) element = None if self.element_pos is None else row[self.element_pos] return (score, ref, alt, pos), element
[docs] def get(self, chromosome, start, stop, element=None): try: for row in self.tb.query("{}{}".format(self.conf_chr_prefix, chromosome), start - 1, stop): try: r = self._read_row(row) except IndexError: self.index_errors += 1 continue else: if self.element_pos is not None and element is not None and r[1] != element: self.elements_errors += 1 continue yield r[0] except tabix.TabixError: raise ReaderGetError(chromosome, start, stop)
[docs]def init_scores_module(conf): global min_stops, stops_file, scores_reader min_stops = conf.get('minimum_number_of_stops', min_stops) logger.debug('Below %d stops in the element the function for stops will be used', min_stops) if conf['mean_to_stop_function'] is not None: exec("def stop_function(x): return {}".format(conf['mean_to_stop_function']), globals()) else: logger.warning('You have not provided any function for computing the stops') stops_file = bgdata.get_path('datasets', 'genestops', get_build()) if conf['format'] == 'tabix': scores_reader = ScoresTabixReader(conf) elif conf['format'] == 'pack': scores_reader = PackScoresReader(conf)
[docs]class Scores(object): """ Args: element (str): element ID segments (list): list of the segments associated to the element config (dict): configuration Attributes: scores_by_pos (dict): for each positions get all possible changes, and for each change the triplets .. code-block:: python { position: [ ScoreValue( ref, alt_1, value, ref_triplet, alt_triple ), ScoreValue( ref, alt_2, value, ref_triplet, alt_triple ), ScoreValue( ref, alt_3, value, ref_triplet, alt_triple ) ] } """ def __init__(self, element: str, segments: list, config: dict): self.element = element self.segments = segments # Score configuration self.conf_file = config['file'] self.conf_score = config['score'] self.conf_chr = config['chr'] self.conf_chr_prefix = config['chr_prefix'] self.conf_ref = config['ref'] self.conf_alt = config['alt'] self.conf_pos = config['pos'] self.conf_element = config['element'] self.conf_extra = config['extra'] # Scores to load self.scores_by_pos = defaultdict(list) # Initialize background scores self._load_scores()
[docs] def get_score_by_position(self, position: int) -> List[ScoreValue]: """ Get all ScoreValue objects that are asocated with that position Args: position (int): position Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`ScoreValue`: list of all ScoreValue related to that positon """ return self.scores_by_pos.get(position, [])
[docs] def get_all_positions(self) -> List[int]: """ Get all positions in the element Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: list of positions """ return self.scores_by_pos.keys()
def _load_scores(self): """ For each position get all possible substitutions and for each obtatins the assigned score Returns: dict: for each positions get a list of ScoreValue (see :attr:`scores_by_pos`) """ try: with scores_reader as reader: for region in self.segments: try: for row in reader.get(region['CHROMOSOME'], region['START'], region['STOP'], self.element): score, ref, alt, pos = row ref_triplet = get_ref_triplet(region['CHROMOSOME'], pos - 1) ref = ref_triplet[1] if ref is None else ref if ref_triplet[1] != ref: logger.warning("Background mismatch at position %d at '%s'", pos, self.element) # Expand funseq2 dots alts = alt if alt is not None and alt != '.' else 'ACGT'.replace(ref, '') for a in alts: alt_triplet = ref_triplet[0] + a + ref_triplet[2] self.scores_by_pos[pos].append(ScoreValue(ref, a, score, ref_triplet, alt_triplet)) except ReaderError as e: logger.warning(e.message) continue except ReaderError as e: logger.warning("Reader error: %s. Regions being analysed %s", e.message, self.segments)
[docs] def get_stop_scores(self): """ Get the scores of the stops in a gene that fall in the regions being analyzed """ stops = defaultdict(list) tb = for region in self.segments: try: for row in tb.query(region['CHROMOSOME'], region['START'] - 1, region['STOP']): pos = int(row[1]) ref = row[2] alt = row[3] # Here we can add a check for the elements stops[pos].append(alt) except tabix.TabixError: logger.warning( "Tabix error at %s='%s:%d-%d'", self.element, region['CHROMOSOME'], region['START'] - 1, region['STOP']) continue self.stop_scores = [] for pos, alts in stops.items(): for s in self.get_score_by_position(pos): if s.alt in alts: self.stop_scores.append(s.value) if len(self.stop_scores) < min_stops: all_scores = [] positions = self.get_all_positions() for pos in positions: for s in self.get_score_by_position(pos): all_scores.append(s.value) self.stop_scores = [stop_function(np.mean(all_scores))]