Source code for oncodrivefml.signature

This module contains information related with the signature.

The signature is a way of assigning probabilities to certain mutations that have some
relation amongst them (e.g. cancer type, sample...).

This relation is identified by the **signature_id**.

The ``classifier`` parameter in the :ref:`configuration <project configuration>` of the signature
specifies which column of the mutations file (:data:`~oncodrivefml.load.MUTATIONS_HEADER`) is used as
the identifier for the different signature groups.
If the column does not exist the ``classifier`` itself is used as value for the

The probabilities are taken only from substitutions. For them, the two bases that
surround the mutated one are taken into account. This is called the triplet.
For a certain mutation in a position *x* the reference triplet is the base in the
reference genome in position *x-1*, the base in *x* and the base in the *x+1*. The altered triplet
of the same mutation is equal for the bases in *x-1* and *x+1* but the base in *x* is the one
observed in the mutation.

.. _signature dict:

signature (:obj:`dict`)

    .. code-block:: python

        { signature_id:
                (ref_triplet, alt_triplet): prob


import os
import sys
import gzip
import json
import pickle
import logging
import bgdata
import pandas as pd
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from bgreference import refseq

from oncodrivefml import __logger_name__
from oncodrivefml.utils import exists_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__logger_name__)

ref_build = 'hg19'
Build of the Reference Genome

__CB = {"A": "T", "T": "A", "G": "C", "C": "G"}

[docs]def change_ref_build(build): """ Modify the default build fo the reference genome Args: build (str): genome reference build """ global ref_build ref_build = build'Using %s as reference genome', ref_build.upper())
[docs]def get_build(): return ref_build
[docs]def get_ref(chromosome, start, size=1): """ Gets a sequence from the reference genome Args: chromosome (str): chromosome start (int): start position where to look size (int): number of bases to retrieve Returns: str. Sequence from the reference genome """ return refseq(ref_build, chromosome, start, size)
[docs]def get_ref_triplet(chromosome, start): """ Args: chromosome (str): chromosome identifier start (int): starting position Returns: str: 3 bases from the reference genome """ return get_ref(chromosome, start, size=3)
[docs]def get_reference_signature(line): """ Args: line (dict): contatins the chromosome and the position Returns: str: triplet around certain positions """ return get_ref_triplet(line['CHROMOSOME'], line['POSITION'] - 1)
[docs]def get_alternate_signature(line): """ Args: line (dict): contains the previous base, the alteration and the next base Returns: str: triplet with the central base replaced by the alteration indicated in the line """ return line['Signature_reference'][0] + line['ALT'] + line['Signature_reference'][2]
[docs]def complementary_sequence(seq): """ Args: seq (str): sequence of bases Returns: str: complementary sequence """ return "".join([__CB[base] if base in __CB else base for base in seq.upper()])
[docs]def collapse_complementaries(signature): """ Add to the amount of a certain pair (ref_triplet, alt_triplet) the amount of the complementary. Args: signature (dict): { (ref_triplet, alt_triplet): amount } Returns: dict: { (ref_triplet, alt_triplet): new_amount }. New_amount is the addition of the amount for (ref_triplet, alt_triplet) and the amount for (complementary_ref_triplet, complementary_alt_triplet) """ comp_sig = defaultdict(int) for k, v in signature.items(): comp_sig[k] += v comp_k = (complementary_sequence(k[0]), complementary_sequence(k[1])) comp_sig[comp_k] += v return comp_sig
[docs]def sum2one_dict(signature_counts): """ Associates to each key (tuple(reference_tripet, altered_triplet)) the value divided by the total amount Args: signature_counts (dict): pair key-amount {(ref_triplet, alt_triplet): value} Returns: dict: pair key-(amount/total_amount) """ total = sum([v for v in signature_counts.values()]) return {k: v/total for k, v in signature_counts.items()}
[docs]def compute_signature(signature_function, classifier, collapse=False, include_mnp=False): """ Gets the probability of each substitution that occurs for a certain signature_id. Each substitution is identified by the pair (reference_triplet, altered_triplet). The signature_id is taken from the mutations field corresponding to the classifier. Args: signature_function: function that yields one mutation each time classifier (str): passed to :func:`~oncodrivefml.load.load_mutations` as parameter ``signature_classifier``. collapse (bool): consider one substitutions and the complementary one as the same. Defaults to True. include_mnp (bool): use MNP mutation in the signature computation or not Returns: dict: probability of each substitution (measured by the triplets) grouped by the signature_classifier .. code-block:: python { signature_id: { (ref_triplet, alt_triplet): prob } } .. warning:: Only substitutions (MNP are optional) are taken into account """ total = 0 mismatches = 0 signature_count = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for mut in signature_function(): pos = mut['POSITION'] if mut['ALT_TYPE'] == 'snp': total += 1 signature_ref = get_ref_triplet(mut['CHROMOSOME'], mut['POSITION'] - 1) signature_alt = signature_ref[0] + mut['ALT'] + signature_ref[2] if signature_ref[1] != mut['REF']: logger.debug('Reference mismatch in substitution at position %d of chr %s', pos, mut['CHROMOSOME']) mismatches += 1 continue signature_count[mut.get(classifier, classifier)][(signature_ref, signature_alt)] += 1 elif include_mnp and mut['ALT_TYPE'] == 'mnp': total += 1 for index, nucleotides in enumerate(zip(mut['REF'], mut['ALT'])): ref_nucleotide, alt_nucleotide = nucleotides signature_ref = get_ref_triplet(mut['CHROMOSOME'], pos - 1 + index) if signature_ref[1] != ref_nucleotide: logger.debug('Reference mismatch in MNP at position %d of chr %s', pos + index, mut['CHROMOSOME']) mismatches += 1 continue signature_alt = signature_ref[0] + alt_nucleotide + signature_ref[2] signature_count[mut.get(classifier, classifier)][(signature_ref, signature_alt)] += 1 else: continue if mismatches / total > 0.1: logger.error('Too many mismatches. You are using %s as reference genome, please check it is right. Program stopped', ref_build) sys.exit(-1) elif mismatches / total > 0.05: logger.warning('There are %d mismatches between your mutations and the reference genome.', mismatches) signature = {} for k, v in signature_count.items(): if collapse: signature[k] = sum2one_dict(collapse_complementaries(v)) else: signature[k] = sum2one_dict(v) return signature
[docs]def load_signature(signature_config, signature_function, trinucleotides_counts=None, load_pickle=None, save_pickle=False): """ Computes the probability that certain mutation occurs. Args: signature_config (dict): information of the signature (see :ref:`configuration <project configuration>`) signature_function: function that yields one mutation each time trinucleotides_counts (:obj:`dict`, optional): counts of trincleotides used to correct the signature load_pickle (:obj:`str`, optional): path to the pickle file save_pickle (:obj:`str`, optional): path to pickle file Returns: dict: probability of each substitution (measured by the triplets) grouped by the signature_id .. code-block:: python { signature_id: { (ref_triplet, alt_triplet): prob } } Before computing the signature, it is checked whether a pickle file with the signature already exists or not. """ method = signature_config['method'] classifier = signature_config['classifier'] path = signature_config['path'] column_ref = signature_config['column_ref'] column_alt = signature_config['column_alt'] column_probability = signature_config['column_probability'] include_mnp = signature_config['include_mnp'] if path is not None and path.endswith(".pickle.gz"): with, 'rb') as fd: return pickle.load(fd) signature_dict = None if method == "none": # We don't use signature logger.warning("No signature is being used") elif method == "file": if not os.path.exists(path): logger.error("Signature file %s not found.", path) return -1 else:"Loading signatures") signature_probabilities = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t') signature_probabilities.set_index([column_ref, column_alt], inplace=True) signature_dict = {classifier: signature_probabilities.to_dict()[column_probability]} return signature_dict elif method == "full" or method == "complement": if method == "complement": collapse = True else: collapse = False if exists_path(load_pickle): try:"Using precomputed signatures") with, 'rb') as fd: signature_dict = pickle.load(fd) except EOFError: logger.error("Loading file %s", load_pickle) signature_dict = None if signature_dict is None:"Computing signatures") signature_dict = compute_signature(signature_function, classifier, collapse, include_mnp) if save_pickle is not None: try: # Try to store as precomputed with, 'wb') as fd: pickle.dump(signature_dict, fd) except OSError: logger.debug( "Imposible to write precomputed signature here: {}".format(save_pickle)) if signature_dict is not None and trinucleotides_counts is not None: # correct the signature if collapse: trinucleotides_counts = collapse_complementaries(trinucleotides_counts) triplets_probabilities = sum2one_dict(trinucleotides_counts)'Correcting signatures') signature_dict = correct_signature_by_triplets_frequencies(signature_dict, triplets_probabilities) signature_dict['trinucleotides'] = count_valid_trinucleotides(trinucleotides_counts) return signature_dict
[docs]def yield_mutations(mutations): """ Yields one mutation each time from a list of mutations Args: mutations (dict): :ref:`mutations <mutations dict>` Yields: Mutation """ for elem, mutations_list in mutations.items(): for mutation in mutations_list: yield mutation
[docs]def correct_signature_by_triplets_frequencies(signature, triplets_frequencies): """ Normalized de signature by the frequency of the triplets Args: signature (dict): see :ref:`signature <signature dict>` triplets_frequencies (dict): {triplet: frequency} Returns: dict. Normalized signature """ if signature is None: return None corrected_signature = {} for k,v in signature.items(): corrected_signature[k] = get_normalized_frequencies(v, triplets_frequencies) return corrected_signature
[docs]def get_normalized_frequencies(signature, triplets_frequencies): """ Divides the frequency of each triplet alteration by the frequency of the reference triplet to get the normalized signature Args: signature (dict): {(ref_triplet, alt_triplet): counts} triplets_frequencies (dict): {triplet: frequency} Returns: dict. Normalized signature """ corrected_signature = {} for triplet_pair, frequency in signature.items(): ref_triplet = triplet_pair[0] if ref_triplet not in triplets_frequencies: logger.warning('Triplet %s not found', ref_triplet) corrected_signature[triplet_pair] = frequency/triplets_frequencies.get(ref_triplet, float("inf")) return sum2one_dict(corrected_signature)
def __get_region(region_name): if region_name == 'whole_genome' or region_name == 'wgs': return 'genome' elif region_name == 'whole_exome' or region_name == 'wes' or region_name == 'wxs': return 'exome' else: return region_name
[docs]def load_trinucleotides_counts(region): """ Get the trinucleotides counts for a precomputed region: whole exome or whole genome Args: region (str): whole genome or whole exome Returns: dict. Counts of the different trinucleotides """ region = __get_region(region) file = bgdata.get_path('datasets', region+'signature', ref_build) with open(file) as fd: triplets_counts = json.load(fd) return triplets_counts
[docs]def triplets(sequence): """ Args: sequence (str): sequence of nucleotides Yields: str. Triplet """ iterator = iter(sequence) n1 = next(iterator) n2 = next(iterator) for n3 in iterator: yield n1 + n2 + n3 n1 = n2 n2 = n3
[docs]def triplet_counter_executor(elements): """ For a list of regions, get all the triplets present in all the segments Args: elements (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list`): list of lists of segments Returns: :class:`collections.Counter`. Count of each triplet in the regions """ counts = Counter() for element in elements: for segment in element: chrom = segment['CHROMOSOME'] start = segment['START'] stop = segment['STOP'] seq = refseq(ref_build, chrom, start, stop-start+1) counts.update(triplets(seq)) return counts
[docs]def chunkizator(iterable, size=1000): """ Creates chunks from an iterable Args: iterable: size (int): elements in the chunk Returns: list. Chunk """ s = 0 chunk = [] for i in iterable: if s == size: yield chunk chunk = [] s = 0 chunk.append(i) s += 1 yield chunk
[docs]def compute_regions_signature(elements, cores): """ Counts triplets in the elements Args: elements: cores (int): cores to use Returns: :class:`collections.Counter`. Counts of the triplets in the elements """ counter = Counter() pool = Pool(cores) for result in pool.imap(triplet_counter_executor, chunkizator(elements, size=500)): counter.update(result) return counter
[docs]def is_valid_trinucleotides(trinucleotide): """ Check if a trinucleotide has a nucleotide distinct than A, C, G, T Args: trinucleotide (str): triplet Returns: bool. """ for nucleotide in trinucleotide: if nucleotide not in __CB.keys(): return False return True
[docs]def count_valid_trinucleotides(trinucleotides_dict): """ Count how many trinucleotides are valid Args: trinucleotides_dict (dict): trinucleotides counts Returns: int. Valid trinucleotides """ distinct_trinucleotides = set() for k in trinucleotides_dict.keys(): if is_valid_trinucleotides(k): distinct_trinucleotides.add(k) return len(k)