Source code for oncodrivefml.indels

This module contains all utilities to process
insertions and deletions.

Currently 3 methods have been implemented to compute
the impact of the indels.

.. _indels methods:

1. As a set of substitutions ('max'):

   The indel is treated as set of substitutions.
   It is used for non-coding regions

   The functional impact of the observed mutation is the maximum
   of all the substitutions.
   The background is simulated as substitutions are.

#. As a stop ('stop'):

   The indel is expected to produce a stop in the genome,
   unless it is a frame-shift indel.
   It is used for coding regions.

   The functional impact is derived from the function impact
   of the stops of the gene.
   The background is simulated also as stops.


import math

import numpy as np

from oncodrivefml.reference import get_ref

# Global variables
analysis = None
max_repeats = None
stop_function = None

[docs]def init_indels_module(indels_config): """ Initialize the indels module Args: indels_config (dict): configuration of how to compute the impact of indels """ global analysis, stop_function, max_repeats if indels_config['method'] == 'stop': analysis = 'coding' elif indels_config['method'] == 'max': analysis = 'noncoding' stop = StopsScore(indels_config['stops_function']) stop_function = stop.function max_repeats = indels_config['max_consecutive']
[docs]class StopsScore: def __init__(self, funct_type): """ Contain the function that operates on the scores of the stops when the indel is treated as stop Args: funct_type (str): indentifier of the function """ if funct_type == 'mean': self.funct = self.mean elif funct_type == 'median': self.funct = self.median elif funct_type == 'random': self.funct = self.random elif funct_type == 'random_choice': self.funct = self.choose
[docs] def function(self, x): return self.funct(x)
[docs] def mean(self, x): return np.mean(x)
[docs] def median(self, x): return np.median(x)
[docs] def random(self, x): p2 = max(x) p1 = min(x) return np.random.uniform(p1, p2)
[docs] def choose(self, x): return np.random.choice(x)
[docs]class Indel: """ Methods to compute the impact of indels for the observed and the background Args: scores (:class:`~oncodrivefml.scores.Scores`): functional impact per position signature (dict): see :ref:`signature <signature dict>` signature_id (str): classifier for the signatures method (str): identifies which method to use to compute the functional impact (see :ref:`methods <indels methods>`) strand (str): if the element being analysed has positive, negative or unknown strand (+,-,.) """ def __init__(self, scores): self.scores = scores self.simulated_as_subs = False self.in_frame_simulated_as_subs = False if analysis == "coding": self.in_frame_simulated_as_subs = True self.get_indel_score = self.get_indel_score_from_stop self.get_background_indel_scores = self.get_background_indel_scores_as_stops self.scores.get_stop_scores() elif analysis == 'noncoding': self.simulated_as_subs = True self.get_indel_score = self.get_indel_score_max_of_subs self.get_background_indel_scores = self.get_background_indel_scores_as_substitutions_without_signature
[docs] @staticmethod def is_frameshift(size): """ Args: size (int): length of the indel Returns: bool. Whether the size is multiple of 3 (in the frames have been enabled in the configuration) """ if (size % 3) == 0: return False return True
[docs] def is_in_repetitive_region(self, mutation): """ Check if an indel falls in a repetitive region Looking in the window with the indel in the middle, check if the same sequence of the indel appears at least a certain number of times specified in the configuration. The window where to look has twice the size of the indel multiplied by the number of times already mentioned. Args: mutation (dict): a mutation object as in :ref:`here <mutations dict>` Returns: bool: Whether the indel falls in a repetitive region or not """ if max_repeats == 0: # 0 means do not search for repetitive regions return False chrom = mutation['CHROMOSOME'] ref = mutation['REF'] alt = mutation['ALT'] pos = mutation['POSITION'] # Check if it's repeated seq = alt if '-' in ref else ref size = max_repeats * len(seq) ref = get_ref(chrom, pos, size) return ref.count(seq) >= max_repeats
[docs] def get_mutation_sequences(self, mutation, size): """ Get the reference and altered sequence of the indel along the window size Args: mutation (dict): a mutation object as in :ref:`here <mutations dict>` size (int): window length Returns: tuple: Reference and alternated sequences """ position = mutation['POSITION'] is_insertion = True if '-' in mutation['REF'] else False indel_size = max(len(mutation['REF']), len(mutation['ALT'])) reference = get_ref(mutation['CHROMOSOME'], position, indel_size + size) # ensure we have enough values # TODO check if we are looking for values outside the element if is_insertion: alteration = mutation['ALT'] + reference else: alteration = reference[indel_size:] return reference[:size], alteration[:size]
[docs] def compute_scores(self, reference, alternation, initial_position, size): """ Compute the scores of all substitution between the reference and altered sequences Args: reference (str): sequence alternation (str): sequence initial_position (int): position where the indel occurs size (int): number of position to look Returns: list: Scores of the substitution in the indel. :obj:`~math.nan` when it is not possible to compute a value. """ computed_scores = [math.nan] * size for index, position in enumerate(range(initial_position, initial_position + size)): scores_in_position = self.scores.get_score_by_position(position) for score in scores_in_position: if score.ref == reference[index] and score.alt == alternation[index]: computed_scores[index] = score.value break return computed_scores
[docs] def get_indel_score_max_of_subs(self, mutation): """ Compute the score of an indel by treating each alteration as a substitution. Args: mutation (dict): a mutation object as in :ref:`here <mutations dict>` Returns: float: Maximum value of all substitutions """ if self.is_in_repetitive_region(mutation): return math.nan indel_size = max(len(mutation['REF']), len(mutation['ALT'])) position = int(mutation['POSITION']) ref, alt = self.get_mutation_sequences(mutation, indel_size) init_pos = position indel_scores = self.compute_scores(ref, alt, init_pos, indel_size) cleaned_scores = [score for score in indel_scores if not math.isnan(score)] return max(cleaned_scores) if cleaned_scores else math.nan
[docs] def get_indel_score_from_stop(self, mutation): """ Compute the indel score as a stop A function is applied to the values of the scores in the gene Args: mutation (dict): a mutation object as in :ref:`here <mutations dict>` Returns: float: Score value. :obj:`~math.nan` if is not possible to compute it """ if self.is_in_repetitive_region(mutation): return math.nan indel_size = max(len(mutation['REF']), len(mutation['ALT'])) if Indel.is_frameshift(indel_size): return stop_function(self.scores.stop_scores) else: position = int(mutation['POSITION']) ref, alt = self.get_mutation_sequences(mutation, indel_size) init_pos = position indel_scores = self.compute_scores(ref, alt, init_pos, indel_size) cleaned_scores = [score for score in indel_scores if not math.isnan(score)] return max(cleaned_scores) if cleaned_scores else math.nan
[docs] def get_background_indel_scores_as_substitutions_without_signature(self): """ Return the values of scores of all possible substitutions Returns: list. """ indel_scores = [] for pos in self.scores.get_all_positions(): for s in self.scores.get_score_by_position(pos): indel_scores.append(s.value) return indel_scores
[docs] def get_background_indel_scores_as_stops(self): """ Returns: list: Values of the stop scores of the gene """ return self.scores.stop_scores
[docs] def not_found(self, mutation): return np.nan