Source code for oncodrivefml.reference

This module contains information related to the reference genome.

import logging

from collections import  Counter
from bgreference import refseq

from oncodrivefml import __logger_name__

logger = logging.getLogger(__logger_name__)

ref_build = 'hg38'
Build of the Reference Genome

__CB = {"A": "T", "T": "A", "G": "C", "C": "G"}

[docs]def change_build(build): """ Modify the default build fo the reference genome Args: build (str): genome reference build """ global ref_build ref_build = build'Using %s as reference genome', ref_build.upper())
[docs]def get_build(): return ref_build
[docs]def get_ref(chromosome, start, size=1): """ Gets a sequence from the reference genome Args: chromosome (str): chromosome start (int): start position where to look size (int): number of bases to retrieve Returns: str. Sequence from the reference genome """ return refseq(ref_build, chromosome, start, size)
[docs]def get_ref_triplet(chromosome, start): """ Args: chromosome (str): chromosome identifier start (int): starting position Returns: str: 3 bases from the reference genome """ return get_ref(chromosome, start, size=3)
__CB = {"A": "T", "T": "A", "G": "C", "C": "G"}
[docs]def reverse_complementary_sequence(seq): return "".join([__CB[base] if base in __CB else base for base in seq.upper()[::-1]])
[docs]def triplets(sequence): """ Args: sequence (str): sequence of nucleotides Yields: str. Triplet """ iterator = iter(sequence) n1 = next(iterator) n2 = next(iterator) for n3 in iterator: yield n1 + n2 + n3 n1 = n2 n2 = n3
[docs]def triplet_counter_executor(elements): """ For a list of regions, get all the triplets present in all the segments Args: elements (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list`): list of lists of segments Returns: :class:`collections.Counter`. Count of each triplet in the regions """ counts = Counter() for element in elements: for segment in element: chrom = segment['CHROMOSOME'] start = segment['START'] end = segment['END'] seq = refseq(ref_build, chrom, start, end-start+1) counts.update(triplets(seq)) return counts
[docs]def is_valid_trinucleotides(trinucleotide): """ Check if a trinucleotide has a nucleotide distinct than A, C, G, T Args: trinucleotide (str): triplet Returns: bool. """ for nucleotide in trinucleotide: if nucleotide not in __CB.keys(): return False return True
[docs]def count_valid_trinucleotides(trinucleotides_dict): """ Count how many trinucleotides are valid Args: trinucleotides_dict (dict): trinucleotides counts Returns: int. Valid trinucleotides """ distinct_trinucleotides = set() for k in trinucleotides_dict.keys(): if is_valid_trinucleotides(k): distinct_trinucleotides.add(k) return len(k)